About Us

Two Sisters, One Team

What happens when two creative sisters decide to share a dream? They do whatever it takes to make their shared dream come true no matter what obstacles life throws at them. We are Mia and Pamela, sisters, owners, and the designers behind Threaded Transfers. Curious about us? Read on!

Although we began our Threaded Transfer journey, now over four years ago, with screen print transfers, times changed and we evolved with it. DTF came on the scene and blew it up. In early 2023, we were joyous and proud to finally offer both Sublimation and DTF transfers printed from the highest commercial grade equipment and supplies. Later in the year we added on UV DTF too! You will always get the softest most vibrant long lasting prints from us! 
Everyone needs new and fresh designs weekly, speedy turnaround time, and easy quality pressing. These are our top priorities! As we finish our up our graphic communications degrees, we hone our ability to design and create the newest and trendiest prints for you. Our huge print catalog features our exclusive designs and those of other fabulous graphic artists we love to support. Need custom designs? We have the graphic design abilities to work with you start to finish. Want humor prints? We’ve got it! Want more trendy designs? We’ve got your back! Need seasonal prints that can be used on shirts, pillows, totes, blankets, placemats, and more? Look no further. We have a bit of everything and new prints introduced multiple times week. Take a look around and we are sure you will have a full cart in no time.

Meanwhile, we will be brainstorming, designing, printing, chatting, and most likely eating chips and salsa…

Happy Pressing!
Mia and Pamela